Nevzorov Haute Ecole

Welcome to the learning site for the unique and beautiful method of horse teaching by Alexander Nevzorov.

Nevzorov Haute Ecole representative Sascha Green, shows exactly how the method radically shifts your relationship with your horse from control to total understanding.

Sascha's honest and gentle approach, and easy to follow programs, means you can finally implement the NHE method, creating real and lasting results with your horse.

Sascha's range of online courses, workshops, memberships, coaching, films and books means you can learn in a way that suits you.

Join now for the clearest guidance in the Nevzorov Haute Ecole method.

What You Will Learn From My Programs

Hello and welcome to my site for Nevzorov Haute Ecole education.

My mission is to share the most effective teaching of the Nevzorov Haute École method. The method that creates genuine understanding with horses.

Alexander taught that a horse is not a mode of transport but a brilliant creature with an extraordinary intellect who loves to play and learn.

My programs show the way to winning your horse's heart, by a system of knowledge and awareness of what a horse really is.

This means that traditional horsemanship approaches, including pain, force and control are no longer needed.

I help you develop and understand horses through the lens of the School, and experience the same spectacular and beautiful results with horses.

Learn in a way that suits you

My courses demystify the secretive Nevzorov Haute Ecole method, making is simple for people to teach their horses for the same beautiful results.

My courses, coaching and new membership site focus on horse health, cognition, communication and explains the method from the beginning in clear and easy to follow ways.

My goal is to raise the status of horses by showing honestly, that force and pain are not only unnecessary but the reason people never reach the pinnacle with horses they dream about.

Now, through my offerings, you can uncover the way exactly.

The Nevzorov Haute Ecole student handbook

Not able, or ready to commit to a course?

The Nevzorov Haute Ecole Principles and Elements: Student Handbook is a textbook that explains the NHE method from the beginning.

This book is included as part of my NHE method course but can also be bought seperately, allowing anyone who wants to teach horses in kindness access to this vital information.

Set out in clear language, this book explains everything about the NHE method and upbringing, including games and elements - and will serve you in your quest to reach your horses heart, provide a life they deserve and reach them in the most loving and scientifically centred way.

What previous students have to say

Ren Hurst - author

When I began transforming my relationship to horses, Sascha was my first point of contact before joining Nevzorov Haute Ecole. 

For nearly a year, she patiently and compassionately responded to my willful challenges, giving me space to go out and come to my own conclusions, and always allowing me to return each time, a little more humble. 

Were it not for her sensitive and kind guidance in those early stages, I may not have taken that next big step to let go of riding, and if I hadn’t let go of riding, I never would have discovered the infinite source of peace and clarity on the other side. 

Sascha will forever be an invaluable ally in my journey, for whom I remain lovingly grateful.